Vibrant Bouquet Of Flowers


A vibrant bouquet of flowers bursts with color atop a slender teal vase against a muted beige background. Bold brushstrokes and an impressionistic style bring the floral arrangement to life, conveying movement and a sense of spontaneity.

9 x 12 on hard pastel panel.

ou will receive a certificate of authenticity stating this piece is a one-of-a-kind original painting with my signature and date.

All paints used are the highest quality professional grade paint.

*All photos of my art are shot with a high quality camera in natural light and/or scanned to represent the artwork as accurately as possible. I’ve color corrected to match the actual artwork as close as possible, but due to different monitors and light sources the colors may not the as accurate.

$5.00 flat rate shipping.

I use recycled packing materials whenever possible.

I am currently only shipping in the United States.

I retain all copyrights and reproduction rights to my images - they do not transfer with the sale of original paintings.

Thank you!

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